Ways to Naturally Clear Sinus Congestion and All That Mucus
Your body produces mucus in response to an allergen or foreign substance, but you just want to get excessive mucus production under control and start breathing easy again, right?
By Diana Rodriguez
You’re sneezing, with a sore throat and mucus running out of your nose all day long — you know you’re sick. But you might not know what’s causing your symptoms. Sinus congestion and excessive mucus production arise as your body tries to defend itself against foreign invaders — or when infection strikes.
Call it what you will, but that crud that comes out of your nose when you’re sick is mucus (also known as phlegm). The sinuses, which are hollow cavities filled with air located in the face, are lined with mucous membranes. Mucous membranes are thin layers of moist tissues that produce the goopy material known as mucus — you blow it out of your nose or cough it up when you have some sort of illness. It can be clear or yellow in color, and it has a thick, sticky consistency.
Mucus has an actual purpose. It’s secreted by the mucous membranes in order to protect the respiratory tract from tiny invaders like bacteria, viruses, germs, and allergens that you breathe. Mucus captures these germs to keep them from getting deeper into the respiratory tract. But sometimes the mucous membranes go a little overboard, and excessive mucous production results.
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What Causes Excessive Mucus Production?
Nasal congestion, or a stuffy nose, occurs when the tissues that line your nasal passages become irritated, inflamed, and swollen, making breathing a challenge. It’s not mucus clogging your nose that causes those symptoms — although irritated nasal passages can lead to the production of excessive mucus. Sinus congestion occurs when the mucous membranes become irritated or infected and start to excrete more mucus than normal — filling those hollow areas with thick mucus.
Anything that irritates those mucous membranes can cause them to produce excessive mucus, including these health conditions:
- A bacterial infection
- A viral infection (like a cold or the flu)
- Allergies (including hay fever)
- Asthma
- An object lodged inside the nose
- A sinus infection
- A head injury
- Excessive use of nasal sprays
When you’ve got too much mucus clogging your sinuses, it’s common to experience other symptoms too. The mucus can drain down your throat, for example, causing a cough and a sore throat. Excessive mucus can also back up into the ears, clog them, causing tenderness, and sometimes result in an ear infection.
Ways to Get Excessive Mucus Under Control
To get rid of excessive mucus and its accompanying symptoms like a cough and sore throat, there are several things that you can do. If you have a bacterial infection or allergies, your doctor may prescribe medication to ease inflammation and swelling and reduce the production of mucus.
At home, you can take these steps to thin out mucus and ease your sinus congestion:
- Try using a saline (not medicated) nasal spray a few times a day.
- Drink plenty of water and other fluids each day.
- Run a humidifier in your home to keep the air moist.
- Try an over-the-counter antihistamine.
Excessive mucus production is just your body’s way of protecting itself and keeping those germs out of your lungs — but the result can be serious discomfort until you can clear all of it up. Take care of yourself with home remedies to thin out the thick discharge, and see your doctor if your symptoms don’t improve.